Masks are not required for those who are vaccinated.
For those not vaccinated, we ask that you wear a mask while in the building, but not if you are outside and distanced.
Masks will be required by all people seated in the balcony (even if vaccinated).
Distancing is still requested.
Please consider that children have not been vaccinated.
Children who are not vaccinated (3 years of age and up) will need to wear a mask if they are inside the building, but do not need to wear a mask if outside and distanced.
Registration for services will no longer be required.
Childcare for ages 0-3 will be available. Children ages 4 and up will need to sit with their family.
Prayerfully prepare your heart to worship our triune God; He is worthy!
If you are in a higher risk category for severe illness, please remain home. Similarly, please remain home if you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms associated with COVID-19, including but not limited to fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath. See the CDC website for a more complete list of symptoms.
If you are not vaccinated, please be sure you have a mask for each member of your family (with the exception of young children under age two). We will have masks at the door if you need one.


Prayerfully prepare your heart to worship our triune God; He is worthy!
Hand sanitizing stations will be available in the lobby area.
In your joy at seeing friends, please maintain proper physical distancing and refrain from handshakes and hugs. Move toward your seat and do not congregate in the foyer or aisles.
Psalm 100 calls us to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise... for the Lord is good, and His love endures forever.” Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and pray that you and your fellow worshippers will be more and more enamored with the beauty and majesty of the Lord.
There will be small children present. Parents can love their fellow congregants by preparing their children to participate in an age-appropriate way. We can love parents by exercising patience as they train their children for worship.


At the conclusion of the service, please maintain social distancing (6 feet).
We will have two offering boxes at the Welcome Center so that you may give your tithes and offerings as you exit. As has been true in past weeks, you may also continue to give online, by mail, or by text. Our giving is both a response of gratitude for God’s generosity towards us and a sign of faith in God’s future provision.
As when entering, joyously greet your friends while maintaining distance, and also, please refrain from hugs and handshakes. Avoid congregating in the aisles, foyer, or in front of the doors as you exit.