WBC Adult Ministry
We are a fun-loving, busy group who leads by example and keeps our spirits encouraged by perseverance and faithfulness.
We have several Sunday morning Bible Study classes -- some co-ed, some for women/men only.
Join us for lunch on the first Monday of each month as we travel to local eateries as well as outlying counties to visit places highlighted on NPT's Tennessee Crossroads. We are planning a catered lunch every other month with entertainment or an educational presentation to enhance the senior years; these luncheons will alternate with a devotional time with Dr. Bill Sherman, on third Thursdays, at 10 AM, followed by a light lunch.
Monthly activities:
Join us on the first Monday of each month for lunch at a local restaurant. We meet at the office entrance of the church at 11:15am.
Join us every third Thursday for a devotional or luncheon.
Frontrunners are also active in mission projects, both locally and internationally. Each of our “At-Home” Members is adopted by a church member who will pray for them, visit them, and remember them on their birthdays.
The Frontrunner Ministry is definitely not for the faint of heart!
Come, join us. You are welcome here!
Email Lil Cook for more information: lilc@woodmontbaptist.com.