How important is it to connect with others?
We think it is vital to be connected in our church. Participating in worship services is crucial to faith; however, worship is only one aspect of community. Connecting with others is a vital step in our spiritual growth in Christ.
Building Transformative Relationships
Connections happen in various ways. Connections can happen when a group of mothers of young preschoolers gather, or when a senior adult attends a luncheon. Connections happen during a Sunday morning Bible study. They can happen at a men’s retreat, or when women meet for a discipleship group.
At Woodmont, we care about your spiritual health and we want to help you connect with other believers and build transformative relationships for the Glory of God.

Woodmont Ministries
Family Ministries
Young Adult Ministries
Adult Ministries
Service Opportunities
(Click each logo for more information)
Day of Missions
Every quarter we meet for lunch
following our Sunday service, then
divide up into teams to go out and serve our community!
(Click icon for more info!)
Burro Bags Ministry
We deliver food bags to the Hillsboro High School students who are a part of the food assistance program.
(Click icon for more info!)
Room In The Inn
Every winter we host 12 homeless men at Woodmont on Saturday nights. Volunteers are needed.
(Click icon for more info!)
Habitat For Humanity
Come build homes with us! This amazing ministry touches so many lives and we are very blessed to be a part of it. (Click icon for more info!)
World Missions
At Woodmont you have the opportunity to travel all over the world to participate in missions. Contact the church office for more information about the next trip!
(Click icon for more info!)

Woodmont's Media Library
Woodmont offers a unique place for you to connect, check out current dvds, bestseller books for children, young readers, teens, young adults, and senior adults.
Check out great new Christian CDs and the most current magazines. Are you looking for a specific book, dvd, or cd? How about a dvd copy of the latest service? Come find it in the Media Library, located near the Church offices.
Hours of operaton:
Sundays: 8:30 - 10:30am & 11:30am - Noon